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The Cycle of Fire Trilogy by Janny Wurts Fantasy Novel Paperbacks GD

The Cycle of Fire Trilogy by Janny Wurts Fantasy Novel Paperbacks GD

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Storm Warden

Written in the records at Vaere is the tale of the binding of the Mharg-demons by Anskiere, wizard of wind and wave. Anskiere was aided in this task by Ivain, master of fire and earth, for the skills of a single sorcerer were not enough against so formidable a foe.

It is further recorded that at the moment of greatest peril, Ivain betrayed his companion out of jealousy. Nonetheless the demons were defeated, the wards sealed, and Anskiere survived to swear a powerful oath against his betrayer. So potent was the magic in the words spoken by Anskiere that sailors who have visited the site claim the winds there repeat them to this day:

"Your offence against me is pardoned but not forgotten. This geas I lay upon you; should I call, you, Ivain, shall answer, and complete a deed of my choice, even to the end of your days. And should you die, my will shall pass to your eldest son, and to his son's sons after him, until the debt is paid

Keeper Of The Keys


This is the cry of the Accursed as they sweep through the ruins of doomed Elrinfaer. Their prey is Ivainson Jaric, Keeper of the Keys, heir of the Firelord. The geas placed by the Stormwarden on Firelord has passed down to his son - and Jaric must guard the Keys that keep the Mharg-demons bound.

His blood gifts him with raw power - but not enough. Jaric had hoped to renounce his duty and pass the Keys back to their maker. But the Stormwarden sleeps within ice cliffs of his own making. Now, Jaric must become a Vaere- trained sorcerer and embrace the Cycle of Fire the mastery of which consumed Firelord's soul, driving him to madness and leading him to betray his own people.

Will the same price be demanded of Jaric? Or can he master THE CYCLE OF FIRE...?



Ivainson Jaric, heir to Firelord's legacy, must assume the powers that destroyed his father. If Jaric survives, if he can free the Stormwarden from a prison of ice, then wind and water, fire and earth will once more stand united against Lord Scait and his demon hordes.

But mankind's enemies grow strong as well. Maelgrim Dark-dreamer, brother of the woman Jaric loves, afflicts the minds of men with nightmares and madness. Changelings and ghouls lay waste the armies of Landfast and Cliffhaven.

And deep within the heart of Shadowfane itself, an ancient evil stirs to bring on doom for mortal and demon alike.

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