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Savour Italy A Discovery of Taste by Annabel Langbein Paperback 2001 GD

Savour Italy A Discovery of Taste by Annabel Langbein Paperback 2001 GD

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Steeped in history and centuries of good taste, Italian food, with its pared-down simplicity and resourcefulness, is salve to the soul, Little wonder then that Italy is known as the 'mother cuisine'. As far back as 2000 years ago, Romans shopped for food in multi-storey markets, paid extravagant sums for imported luxuries and purchased speciality food baskets for celebrations. Today's Italian food draws on a rich palette of fresh, seasonal flavours.

This is the cooking of the land. Harvests are prepared and seasoned with love, tradition and a deep sense of family. At the heart of this rich and varied cuisine lie the artisans who, for centuries, have produced a raft of epicurean products.

This book is a celebration of the ingredients and traditions of the Italian table. More than an exciting recipe collection, it reveals the fascinating lore and history behind the Italian kitchen, and shows how to use and enjoy the ingredients of the Italian pantry.

This is Italian food for today's busy lives - fresh, delicious, healthy tastes that require little in the way of fancy equipment or expert cooking skills.

Cover photographs show fresh garlic and salt and pepper squid.

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