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Lord Of Chaos by Robert Jordan Paperback Book 6 The Wheel Of Time 1994 GD

Lord Of Chaos by Robert Jordan Paperback Book 6 The Wheel Of Time 1994 GD

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Book Six of Robert Jordan's acclaimed Wheel of Time series

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time

As the Wheel turns, the winds of fate roil across the land, and Rand al'Thor struggles to unite the nations for the Last Battle, when the Dark One will break free into the world, and to spring the snares laid by the immortal Forsaken for unwary humankind.

The White Tower in Tar Valon, under the Amyrlin Elaida, has decided that Rand must be controlled gentled, if need be immediately. And in Salidar, among the Aes Sedai in exile, Egwene al Vere, although summoned to high office.

faces the knowledge that her colleagues also wish to bind him.

Drought and summer heat linger into winter, and Nynaeve al Maera and Elayne, the Daughter-Heir of Andor, begin a desperate search for the fabled ter angreal that may enable hem to bring normal weather a search that takes them among Whitecloaks bent on exterminating Aes Sedai.

And across half a continent. Perrin Aybara feels Rand's pull, ta veren to ta veren, and for the first time in a thousand years the bowmen of the Two Rivers march to war.

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