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Drachenfels & Genevieve Undead Jack Yeovil Vampire Novel Warhammer Paperbacks VGC

Drachenfels & Genevieve Undead Jack Yeovil Vampire Novel Warhammer Paperbacks VGC

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Two novels written by Kim Newman using the pen name Jack Yeovil


Now Conradin was dead. Sieur Jehan was dead. Heinroth was dead. Ueli was dead. And before the night was over, others - maybe all of the party - would be joining them. Genevieve hadn't thought about dying for a long time. Perhaps tonight Drachenfels would finish Chandagnac's Dark Kiss, and push her at last over the border between life and death.

DETLEF SIERCK, the self-proclaimed greatest playwright in the world, has declared that his next production will be a recreation of the end of the Great Enchanter Drachenfels be staged at the very site of his death, the Fortress of Drachenfels itself. But the castle's dark walls still hide a terrible and deadly secret which may make the first night of Detlef's masterpiece the last of his life.

Genevieve Undead

Genevieve's mouth was full of blood. An ancient instinct took over. She fixed her mouth to Schedoni's wound. She sucked, and the old man's blood was pumped into her. Her mind cleared, and she swallowed.

These people were nothing to her. She was a visitor, like Aleksandr and d'Amato and the girl. They had made her play her part, but it wasn't her. She wasn't Genevieve Udolpho, she was Genevieve Dieudonné. She wasn't sixteen, she was six hundred and sixty-nine. She wasn't even human. She was a vampire.

Genevieve drank, and became stronger.

DARK AND TERRIBLE secrets may be found lurking within the cities of the Old World and the savage wilderness that surrounds them. Genevieve Dieudonné, vampire heroine of Drachenfels, battles to outwit adversaries both magical and mundane, human and beast, in this series of three linked novellas: Stage Blood, The Cold Stark House and Unicorn Ivory.

JACK YEOVIL is a pseudonym for popular novelist Kim Newman. The Genevieve books were first published by Games Workshop in the late 1980s and quickly gained a cult reputation amongst Warhammer and fantasy fans alike.

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