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2 Vintage Aussie Rules Books Football For Boys & How To Play Aussie Rules GD

2 Vintage Aussie Rules Books Football For Boys & How To Play Aussie Rules GD

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How To Play Aussie Rules Vintage Paperback 1972 GD

At a price all can afford, this book offers a comprehensive explanation of the fundamentals of Australian football. It is addressed primarily at the aspiring schoolboy footballer, but the champion players who have written each chapter have done such a splendid job many seniors also will benefit from reading it. No punches have been pulled, no important aspect of the game neglected. The text is backed by a superb series of photographs on how to handball, how to mark, how to tackle and how each type of kick is executed. All the major Rules States are represented in the book, which carries chapters on how to play every position on the field, and includes absorbing discussions on the tactics of a unique game.

Football For Boys Vintage Paperback 1971 GD

Alan Scott has had many years experience in the teaching of schoolboy football. His attitude to the game is not only enthusiastic but sympathetic-for every champion there are many boys whose enjoyment of football and gradual improvement are the real rewards, both for themselves and for their coaches.

The comprehensive nature of this book provides both tuition in the basic skills and advice on wider aspects of the game which are an essential part of every boys knowledge of the game

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